Archive | May, 2012

Gearing Up – Novel Number 2

27 May

Ah… can you smell it? The sweet smell of summer (suffocated by the morning’s current snow). But yes, my friends, summer break is just around the corner. I will be working my ass off trying to finish a novel that I started a year ago, but which was actually a screenplay I wrote when I was 20 (gulp). Ideally, I would use the screenplay as a kick-ass outline for the book, but the book has decided to take on new, awesome-er properties. So the screenplay is being used as a place mat for my green curry meals I cook.

I am going to keep myself on target for finishing my 55-60K word (or thereabouts) novel by July 1st. In order to do this, I want people to keep me on target. I mean, I get distracted real easy… like, anything distracts me.

I will also be updating my word count weekly (or twice weekly?). My goal, and this is Janet’s idea, is 2,000 words a day. I think I can, I think I can. And actually, if I can, I will easily finish my first draft before July 1st. But it needs TO BE DONE by July 1st. My friend Kial will be so proud that I can actually finish more than one novel.

This widget will also keep me going:

The best part is, I can change the guy’s mood to reflect how I’m feeling. (See: distracted). This is how he’ll look when I’m done. 🙂

Later, writing friends. Wish me luck as I begin in the next week or so.