Archive | December, 2015

Another year: 2015

31 Dec


This year was full of adventures. I taught high school full-time, directed two plays, wrote a YA novel, started a screenplay, moved to Los Angeles, started graduate school at UCLA, completed the first quarter of grad school, dealt with continued stomach problems and depression, developed multiple new TV and film projects as a producer, spent quality time with my family, shared my life with Tevin, traveled to Yellowstone, Glacier, Palm Springs, kept in touch with friends near and far, made new friends, watched new movies and old (particularly the ‘good ones’), kept up with the TV world, adopted a kitten, dealt with lack of productivity at home due to said kitten, laughed, cried, and, finally, read.

I read 21 books from start to finish this past year. My goal was 25 books, but when I think of some of the things I’ve done over this year (see above), I think 21 was a decent job. This does not include books I’ve started but haven’t finished. Also, this does not include the various plays and numerous screenplays I’ve read. (Some coming to a theatre near you! Sadly.) Next year, my reading goal will be 20 books, as I think that will allow me to actually surpass 20 books more easily – which I’ve been getting stuck around that mark the past few years. The picture below shows 14 of the 21 books I’ve read (or re-read, in the case of J.H. Trumble’s great novel).

Note: If you want to see all the books I’ve read, click here.


Happy New Year! Here’s to an even better 2016!